Sony vegas movie studio hd platinum 11 fast render settings
Sony vegas movie studio hd platinum 11 fast render settings

Diving into this stuff, it's hard for a person to understand what DV, PAL, NTSC, and so many other abbreviations mean. As I am a beginner, it would also be great if you could provide a link to some resources that explain the acronyms in a way a beginner or lay person could understand. It would be great if you or someone could walk me through what the correct choices/properties are, based on what I've told you, and the reasons why. I would assume those are the correct settings, since my project came out, this last time, looking fine except for the cut-off horizontal edges.

sony vegas movie studio hd platinum 11 fast render settings

I am seeing MPEG-2 as the format, 16:9 as the aspect ratio, and 720 x 480 (NTSC) as the resolution. (I'll confess I haven't delved into the manual, which I need to do.) When I set the properties, It's acceptable, although I have to go in and change the position of some titles that hug the outer edges of the frame.Īs for DVD Architect Studio, this is where I get even more confused. Now, the video looks good when I play the DVD on the TV, although a tiny bit of the frame gets cut off to the right and left. I now suspect I don't need to check this, because the last time I rendered (3rd attempt), I left this unchecked, and I also left the "stretch video" option unchecked. "Use widescreen DV format" - This is what I want, ultimately, but I'm not sure if selecting this actually stretches my project which is already IN widescreen format. So I figured I was doing something wrong with the next option. The second time, I unchecked this and still ended up with a stretched video. The first time I rendered, I selected that and ended up with a stretched-out video.

sony vegas movie studio hd platinum 11 fast render settings

"Stretch video to fill output frame size (do not letterbox)" - I was thinking no letterbox is good, since the clips are (or should be) 16:9 and so are the screens I'll be viewing on (i.e., I know I definitely don't want 4:3). Now, as I'm ready to render, I encountered the choices I laid out in my original message: Once I did that (and changed all the clips to match), everything looked fine, and I proceeded to edit my project. A forum member advised me to change the project to NTSC DV Widescreen (720x480, 29.970 fps). Apparently it got it wrong, because the clips were all squeezed horizontally on the preview screens in Vegas (it made them 4:3). Note that when I created my project, I used the auto-detect feature, allowing Vegas to set the properties based on the video clip format. Since I had heard Vegas "doesn't like" MOV files, I ultimately copied and pasted the MOV files from my camera to my computer hard drive, and then I imported them into my project. Here is the exchange I had with forum members a few months ago: I ran into a lot of difficulties in trying to get Vegas to "see" my camera when I plugged into my USB port to import the project media. (For what it's worth, the clips show up just fine when I plug the camera directly into my TV, i.e., 16:9). The camera is a Canon FS200 which, as I say, shoots in SD. Here is my entire process, as maybe you'll spot something along the way that is giving me trouble. Thanks for your reply, and sorry it's taken a while to get back to you. I'm getting up to speed as fast as I can!

sony vegas movie studio hd platinum 11 fast render settings

Knowing my format/properties, what would be the best rendering option? Would it be better to render it as a file first, but do it in a format that burns to a DVD? Is there anything else I need to be thinking about in terms of getting the final project to look the same as it appears when I'm editing? What am I doing wrong?Īlso - I would like to have a hard copy DVD of this, but I'm thinking I may also want to share it via Dropbox. Use widescreen DVD format - I do want my final video to show up as widescreen (per my project properties), but I'm not sure if I need to check this box. I don't want a letterbox, but I also don't think I want my video stretched. "Stretch video to fill output frame size (do not letterbox)" - This one confuses me. When I go to burn to DVD, I see boxes with the following options: I'm still getting used to all the terminology. Not as large as a letterbox frame, but it is there. But I've burned the finished video to DVD a couple of times, trying different options, and both times it ends up elongated/stretched, with a small black space on the top and bottom of the frame.

#Sony vegas movie studio hd platinum 11 fast render settings tv

Everything looks perfect on the preview screens, and the raw clips look fine on our TV when I simply plug the camcorder into the TV. My project format is NTSC DV Widescreen (720x480, 29.970 fps). The clips were all shot in SD using a Canon camcorder. I am just now rendering my first project (a 50 minute honeymoon travelogue!) and am encountering problems with the way it looks once it's burned to DVD.

Sony vegas movie studio hd platinum 11 fast render settings